The Green Beard
The green beard,
Tolypothrix barba, is a
species of cyanobacteria found exclusively in the Mediterranean sea.
As such, the green beard is a photosynthetic prokaryote, and not an
animal per se, but we shall make an exception this once.
green beard got its name from its choice of habitat, which is usually
right below the mouth of bigger fish. The green beard attaches itself
to the fish, and profits from the nitrogen-rich environment the fish
creates around its mouth (by eating). Thus, the fish looks like it
has a beard.
some of the more extreme cases observed to date, green beard algae
have attained a total mass of almost a ton, and several meters in
length, when growing around the mouth of wales. The size a green
beard colony can grow to is directly proportional to the size of the
fish/mammal it is attached to. Once it has reached its maximum size,
it keeps on producing spores, which detach themselves from the main
colony and float around the sea, waiting to find a host of their own.
have shown that the green beard, although reducing the fitness of
individuals it attaches itself to, due to increased water drag,
greatly helps to maintain a diversified and healthy ecosystem by
creating diverse habitats and food sources.
recent years, due to pollution and a massive decrease in fish stock,
the green beard population has known a rapid decline. Recent
conservation efforts have been focusing on stabilizing the
population, notably by using bio-coated submarines that the green
beard can use as hosts. Whether this will stop, or even hamper, the
decline of the algae remains to be seen.
research by Dr. Brutus Katakaras, of the Institute for Marine Beards
of Athens (IMBA), suggest
that the green beard was already known in the time of the ancient
Greeks, and animals that had it growing from their mouth were said to
be messengers of Poseidon. Katakaras believes that the priests of the
temples dedicated to the sea god were all sporting a green beard,
regularly immersing their face in sea-water to keep the growth alive.
In recent years, this trend seems to be picking up again, but more
as a fashion statement than a religious practice.