In the summer of 2015, the WHO, anticipating degrading conditions on world food production due to the effects of climate change, decided to appeal to the UN to anull all patents on organisms related to food production, and to allow farmers to choose their crops freely. Surprisingly enough, the UN agreed.
The decision was hailed as a victory not only by farmers, who would now once more be in control of their crops, but also by scientists, who had long argued that putting patents on life was not only stupid, but also unfair, since it was not something that had been invented by humans.
In the following months, stock prices for Monsanto & Co. crashed, but food production the world over, and especially in developing countries, rose rapidly, and the diversity of crops planted as well. This raise in agricultural biodiversity acted as a natural defence against diseases, and allowed farmers to obtain similar harvests as before while using only half as much chemical helpers. This provoked an increase in biodiversity in general, and contributed to a wider, healthier array of polinizers, which, in turn, increased production even more.
Now, more than twenty years after the fact, 26 July, which is the day the UN passed the motion, has become an international holiday, the World Farmer's Day, and is seens around he world as the day where the first step in the right direction had been taken.
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